Using Facebook causes a 20% drop in exam grades

School pupils who use social networks like Facebook and Twitter perform up to 20 percent worse in exams, claim researchers.

Academics say students active on Facebook also spend less time studying when they should be swotting up for the exams.

A team from the Open University Netherlands looked at 219 students and analysed their used of Facebook while they were studying.

It was found most were unable to multi-task, got distracted by what their online pals were doing and then performed worse in exams.

In fact grades were on average 20 percent lower than those who didn't use Facebook -- Newslite does not like this. Prof Paul Kirschne said: "It is often said that young people today can multitask. But research indicates that multi-tasking is not efficient at all.

"The simultaneous processing of two information streams (in this case Facebook) makes the mutitasker needs more time to achieve the same learning outcome and that he makes more mistakes."


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