The boy who crawled inside an arcade machine

They say the fun's in the taking part. But someone forgot to explain that to Christopher Air. And when his mother Elaine took the three-year-old to the arcade games on the family's holidays in Skegness, he just wanted to get his hands on the winnings. For a while, he was playing happily on the crane machine, trying to pick up a teddy bear with its mechanical arm. But he wasn't having any success. And as Mrs Air went to change a £20 note so he could try again, Christopher took matters into his own hands. Rather like a scene in the film Toy Store, he spotted the flap on the machine, from where the prizes are delivered, and squeezed inside. But it proved more difficult to get out, than in - especially as the arcade owner couldn't locate the keys. Mrs Air, 33, of Grangetown, Sunderland, added: 'Initially, Christopher was laughing. But then a crowd started to gather and he got upset and started crying.' After 30 minutes, he was released - and is sure to have learned his lesson. `
The kid who got stuck in a skate bowl

A kid went inside a skate bowl but couldn't get out. At the end there was a crowd watching the scene and it took a lot of helpers to get him out.
The 4-year-old who flushed his puppy down the toilet

A week-old puppy is recovering after he was accidentally flushed down the toilet. The tiny cocker spaniel was trapped in a waste pipe for nearly four hours after Daniel Blair, four, decided he ‘needed a wash' and put him in a toilet before pulling the chain. Amid frantic attempts to rescue the pet, a drainage company had to be called in after firefighters and the RSPCA failed to free him. Eventually, using specialist camera gear, the firm managed to locate the puppy who was stuck some 20 yards from the house.
The six-year-old who escaped death by hanging by his ears

A six-year-old boy was saved from certain death by his ears, which prevented him from falling from a high-rise apartment block. Adventurous Ming Ming managed to get his head stuck in window bars of his home in Yinchang, China. Crowds gathered after hearing his screams and rescuers moved into saving the child from an eight storey drop. An onlooker said: 'The only thing stopping him from plunging to the ground below was the fact his head was trapped between two window bars.'Once inside the flat firefighters quickly used a hydraulic pressure expander to force the bars apart and pulled Ming Ming back into the apartment. The question is, how did he get there?
The seven-year-old who stole a car to avoid church

It was a car race ‘game–turned-reality' show when a seven-year-old boy lead police in a ‘need for speed' fashion in Weber County, Utah. Responding to reports of a ‘child driving recklessly', police have indicated that the rugrat ran a stop sign before his apprehension. The boy stole the car keys and escaped in his father's white Dodge Intrepid in an attempt to avoid going to church on a Sunday morning. He ran a stop sign and almost hit another driver before leading officers in a low-speed car chase. He managed to escape the officers, made his way home and ran to hide inside the house. His skills as a driver were under the testing time when a group of police officers started chasing him only to add to their frustration. Fortunately, no one was hurt but the little boy can't be prosecuted since he is too young.
The officers tried fruitlessly to stop the child, who reached speeds of about 40 mph, before he stopped in a driveway and ran into his house. Under questioning by his father, the kid said he didn't want to go to church. Police, unable to arrest the child due to his age, had rather urged the dad to keep his keys out of reach.
The baby who got stuck behind a couch and started arguing with his parents

Very articulate kid. Goodreasoning skills too. The best part is the "thanks for saving me" at the end.
The girl who won a stinky sneakers contest… and is proud of it

In an event organized by Odor-Eaters, 11-year-old Trinette Robinson proved she had the stinkiest sneakers, and took home the $2,500 prize. The 35th edition of the Annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest had nine kids, aged six to sixteen, battle it out for the title of ‘wearer of the stinkiest sneakers'. It was a hard contest to judge, considering all participants had already proven their stinky valor, at regional level. To make sure the winner was decided fairly, organizers brought in members of the jury with some serious sniffing abilities. Among them were George Aldrich, chemical specialist for NASA space missions, and Rachel Herz, author of the Scent of Desire, and professor at Brown University.
The underage kid who was caught smoking… by Google Street

This underage was caught smoking on camera. Unfortunately for him, Google failed to blur his face.
The 4-Year-Old boy who called 911 because he couldn't solve a math problem

A 4-year-old kid named Johnny decided to call 911 when he needed help with his math homework! Amazingly, the dispatcher helps him.
The kid grounded for the longest period of time

What happens when you combine home renovation and unwatched kids? More home renovations and a giant mess.
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